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发表日期:2020-05-14    [热度:0]










  What is the difference between iron and steel oil removal cleaning and alloy material oil removal cleaning?Today to analyze the steel products usually refers to iron, stainless steel and other material products, alloy is including zinc alloy, aluminum alloy, galvanized sheet and other material products.Both products are metals, but they are different when it comes to industrial cleaning.What is the difference between iron and steel oil removal cleaning and alloy material oil removal cleaning?Today to analyze the steel products usually refers to iron, stainless steel and other material products, alloy is including zinc alloy, aluminum alloy, galvanized sheet and other material products.Both products are metals, but they are different when it comes to industrial cleaning.

  The difference between the two types of metal products lies in the nature of the metal. In simple terms, the corrosion resistance of the alloy material is much worse than that of the steel material.

  Such a difference makes us think more about the industrial cleaning of these material products:

  The corrosion resistance of alloy products is low. When faced with the cleaning agent of strong acid and strong base, the oxidation corrosion reaction is easy to occur, resulting in surface discoloration, black hair and white hair.

  Steel products have strong corrosion resistance, strong resistance to strong acid and strong alkali, and are not prone to corrosion and discoloration.

  Therefore, if it is steel product cleaning, we can choose products with stronger cleaning effect and higher ph, while we should choose more neutral products when cleaning alloy products.

  So the question is, how do I know exactly how much of the ph of the product I'm cleaning?

  It's really hard to tell, usually experienced technicians can judge by experience, but some alloys have different composition ratios, which can cause some unpredictable situations, so it's safe to clean the sample first and see how the metal reacts before making a decision.

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